Students who share a healthy relationship with their teachers and schools tend to have higher success rates, suggests a new study.
Students who share a healthy relationship with their teachers and schools tend to have higher success rates, suggests a new study.
According to a research review co-authored by Christi Bergin and David Bergin, the University of Missouri, students with positive attachments to their professors and institutions display higher grades and higher standardised test scores.Christi, associate professor in the MU College of Education, said: "In this era of accountability, enhancing student-teacher relationships is not merely an add-on, but rather is fundamental to raising achievement. Secure student-teacher relationships predict greater knowledge, higher test scores, greater academic motivation and fewer retentions or special education referrals. Children who have conflicted relationships with teachers tend to like school less, are less self-directed and cooperate less in the classroom."
The experts found that kids with healthy relationships can be in command of their emotions, and are more socially skilled and willing to face demanding learning tasks in the classroom.
David Bergin, an associate professor of Educational Psychology, said: "To be effective, teachers must connect with and care for children with warmth, respect and trust.
"In addition, it is important for schools to make children feel secure and valued, which can liberate them to take on intellectual and social challenges and explore new ideas."
The review, entitled "Attachment in the Classroom", has been published in Education Psychology Review.