Test : Peripheral Blood: Differential Leukocyte count/ Differential smear/Peripheral differential White Blood Cell Morphology.
Indications : Determine qualitative and quantitative e variations in white cell numbers and morphology, morphology of red cells and platelet evaluation; evaluate anemia leukemia, infections, inflammatory states, and inherited disorders of red cells, white cells, and platelets.
Normal Range : Click Here To View Normal Values
Interpretation : Significantly abnormal findings should be the subject of further study and review. Changes in leukocyte fractions are a window to a spectrum of minor to serious physiologic and pathologic changes.
Test Method : Manual enumeration of white ells on wright’s stained peripheral blood smear. Continuous flow system (automated) using cytochemical measurements.
Related Tests : Bacteremia Detection, Bone marrow, Complete Blood Count, Eosinophil Count, Infectious Mononucleosis Screening Test, Leucocyte Cytochemistry, Lymph node biopsy, Lymphocyte subset enumeration, Peripheral Blood Cell Morphology, Platelet and White Blood Cell Count
My absolute eosinophils count is 540/cu.m.m. Total leucocytes count is 11,200/cu. m. m. What does this. Indicates. Pls. Advice
i blood test( cbc) done of a patient - result wbc-5,900, rbc-1.77 million, hb-6.8 gm%, hct-19.9%, mcv-112.4 fl, mch-38.4 pg, mchc-34.2 g/dl, platelet-66 thousand only
what are i give the comment on the blood smears
my lymphocytes is 19.4% on the scale of 20-45. so what m suffering from and what should i do??
estimation of differential leucocyte count ;which method is best manual enumeration or automated?