Here are some free homepages for doctors, hospitals and conferences and their addresses, cities, contact numbers, and many more.
This section in Medindia is about all the news and views about their our health and diseases and how to overcome those diseases.
This section in Medindia provides the information about the Consumer Protection Act and medical profession to enhance the quality of life of the patient and also for the medical profession.
This section in Medindia provides the information about the case that has been handled by the Supreme Court of India.
Medical Jobs
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Click on thisStamps On Doctors
Click on thisHere is a simple calculator for you to find out the total body surface area for adults, based on their height and weight, offered by medindia.
Use Total Body Water Calculator to find out your total body water content based various formulas.
Body adiposity index or body fat percentage calculator gives you the fat percentage in your body using your height and hip circumference. Body adiposity index calculator helps check if you are obese.
Corrected Sodium Calculator calculates sodium required to overcome hyponatremia due to hyperglycemia. Hyponatremia is caused if the sodium level falls below 135 mEq/L (mmol/L).
We burn calories even when we rest. This energy, RMR/BMR is used for the normal functioning of the vital organs. Use this online tool to calculate the RMR/BMR, which is useful in planning your weight loss program effectively.