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Answers of sample MCQ's From CGFNS Exams

Answers in Bold
  1. The nurse should expect a patient who has chronic renal failure to be given epoetin alfa

    (Epogen) to
    1. Elevate the WBC count
    2. Enhance the maturation of thrombocytes
    3. Increase the production of platelets
    4. Stimulate the synthesis of red blood cells
  2. When planning care for a 14-year-old female who is pregnant, a nurse should recognize that the adolescent is at risk of
    1. Glucose intolerance
    2. Fatal chromosomal abnormalities
    3. Incompetent cervix
    4. Iron deficiency anemia
  3. A nurse is planning a community education presentation about testicular cancer. The target group should be men aged
    1. 20 to 34 years
    2. 40 to 49 years
    3. 50 to 64 years
    4. 65 years and older
  4. When teaching the care givers of a patient who has dementia of the Alzheimer type, a nurse should stress the importance of
    1. Increased stimuli
    2. A predictable environment
    3. Restricted activities
    4. Independent decision making
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