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Sample MCQ's From CGFNS Exams

  1. Which of the following foods should be removed from the dietary tray of a patient who has hepatic encephalopathy?
    1. Pasta
    2. Spinach
    3. Fresh

    4. Eggs
  2. Which of the following nursing measures would be most,appropriate in the care of the patient who has acute eiptaxis?
    1. Tilt the patient's head back
    2. Place the patient's head between his legs
    3. Pinch the nose and have the patient lean forward
    4. Place warm compresses on the patient's nasal bridge
  3. Which of the following findings would a nurse identify as indicative of septic
    shock in a patient?
    1. Bradycardia
    2. Flushed appearance
    3. Cool, clammy skin
    4. S3 gallop
  4. The nurse should instruct a patient who is to receive digoxin (Lanoxin) to report development of which of the following side effects?
    1. Ringing in the ears
    2. Loss of appetite
    3. Signs of bruising
    4. Sensitivity to sunlight

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