

Saturday, November 8, 2008 General News
1. BEAUTY: SPRAY-ON TANS. DR. JOSHUA FOX, founder of ADVANCED DERMATOLOGY inNew York and a spokesperson for the American Academy of Dermatology: "Sun-damaged skin is prone to premature aging, causing wrinkles, uneven skin tone,enlarged pores and age spots. UV exposure is the leading cause of skin cancer,which strikes 1 million Americans each year, nearly double the number of allother cancers combined. Melanoma is the deadliest skin cancer, and it isthought to be almost exclusively caused by sun exposure or the use of tanningbeds. Fortunately, spray-on tans are a new alternative to 'baking' on a tanand can provide a realistic, natural-looking tan without any UV exposure atall. Based on the available research, spray tans are a safe alternative to anyUV-based tanning process because they color the skin using an FDA-approvedcompound called DHA that simply tints the dead skin cells at the very toplayer of the epidermis. While a spray tan does not actually fade, it willdisappear as the layer of skin is sloughed off -- usually within a week." NewsContact: Melissa Chefec, [email protected] Phone: +1-203-968-6625(11/7/08)

2. DINING: UPSCALE DINING IN A DOWN ECONOMY: WHAT CONSUMERS CAN EXPECT. DAVIDSADEGHI, COO of BIG STEAKS MANAGEMENT, operator of eight Ruth's Chris SteakHouse locations on the East Coast and four upscale concept restaurants inBaltimore: "Up to this point, it's been uncommon for fine-dining restaurantsto discount. Now they are changing with the times to stay competitive, meeteconomic challenges in-house, and keep dining out affordable. Guests canexpect to see increased happy-hour specials, fixed-cost menus offering a setlist of items for a set price, and lite-fare menus offering the same high-quality food in smaller portions. With these discounts, restaurants are tryingto appeal to new demographics and strengthen connections with regulars. At thesame time, many restaurants are also aware of the need to discountstrategically, to keep brand perceptions, values and guest expectations intactwhen the economy becomes less challenging." News Contact: Amanda Karfakis,[email protected] Phone: +1-410-732-6542, ext. 22 (11/7/08)

3. FITNESS: STAY WORKOUT-MOTIVATED. ELLIE PETERSON, inspirer and president ofELLIE'S MEDITATIVE MOVEMENTS, a company that has created a distinctive workouttechnique that combines exercise movements with spoken positive affirmationslike "I am healthy" and "I release tension," offers three tips to stayworkout-motivated: "1) Set realistic fitness intentions. 2) Vary your workouts-- incorporate cardio, flexibility, balance and strengthening movements intoyour routines. Your body will appreciate the changes. 3) When you fall shortof achieving your intentions, acknowledge that you are worthwhile and capable.This helps you to accept the disappointment so you can start each new day withoptimism." Web site: (11/7/08)

4. HEALTH: PREVENT VOCAL NODULES, POLYPS AND SWELLING. DR. BEHROOZ (BRUCE)TORKIAN, M.D., a double-board certified facial plastic surgeon andotolaryngologist practicing in "the golden triangle" in Beverly Hills, Calif.:"Entertainers aren't the only ones who tend to abuse vocal chords.Professional speakers, choir singers, teachers, anyone can overuse theirvoices without knowing it." Torkain has patients who use their voiceprofessionally and can give solid tips and medical advice about how to avoidstraining the vocal chords and what to do if you "lose your voice" or (think)you have vocal nodules, polyps and/or swelling in the throat area. NewsContact: Linda Arroz, [email protected] Phone: +1-818-752-9168 (11/7/08)

5. HEALTH: THE HIDDEN REALITY OF MASSIVE WEIGHT LOSS. GAVIN DRY, M.D., aboard-certified plastic surgeon in Kirkland, Wash., is available to comment onthe aftereffects of massive weight loss in terms of extreme loss in skinelasticity: "With the rise in obesity statistics, we continue to see morecases of extreme weight loss through bariatric surgery or otherwise. Thesepatients see the pounds diminish but are often left with stretched skin thatcan make them feel disfigured. Surgery becomes an unexpected necessity." Dryis one of 12 plastic surgeons serving on the National American Society ofPlastic Surgeons' Post-Bariatric Task Force. News Contact: Mary Douglas,[email protected] Cell: +1-425-221-1552 (11/7/08)

6. HOME: BEDBUGS ON THANKSGIVING DINNER GUEST LIST? JAMES BELL, CEO ofPROTECT-A-BED in Haverford, Pa., which developed a scientifically provenbedbug entry-, escape- and bite-proof mattress protector: "Colleges anduniversities all over the country are battling a virtual bedbug epidemic. And,because of a growing bedbug infestation problem in college dormitories allacross America, parents should know their children might not be showing upalone on Thanksgiving. Bedbugs spread quickly throughout rooms and dormitoriesbecause they hitchhike on students who visit each other regularly, which ishow, this Thanksgiving, they can end up on mom's and dad's doorstep, too.Parents can add one more item to the shopping list before they return tocollege: an encasement system to prevent bed bugs from infesting theirmattresses and protecting their students." News Contact: Laura DeatonMorarity, [email protected] Phone: +1-513-271-7222, ext. 15 (11/7/08)

7. PETS: ELDERLY DOGS MAKE GREAT PETS. MARK ROBINSON, founder and owner ofHANDICAPPEDPETS.COM and inventor of Walkin' Wheels for pets, is knowledgeableabout our senior four-legged best friends. In an effort to educate the publicon the many benefits of caring for a canine senior citizen, the ASPCA hasdesignated November as Adopt-a-Senior-Pet Month: "It's an unfortunate reality,but in the case of animal rescue, older dogs are much less likely to findhomes because they are considered 'less desirable.' Thousands of us are caringfor an elderly or disabled pet with special needs -- senior, geriatric,injured, recovering from surgery, cancer, terminal illness, arthritis,paralysis and more. I hear from them everyday on my blog, bragging about howthey have, in fact, taught their old dog a new trick. Senior dogs are mellowerand can make training easier because they focus better than a puppy can.Helping your senior dog to be well-trained has health benefits because expertssay that exercising the brain keeps senior dogs young. The same principleapplies to senior citizens when their doctor recommends they do crosswordpuzzles and other brainteasers to keep sharp and alert. Matching a senior dogwith a senior human is good for both dog and human. It's a win-win." NewsContact: Susan Hartzler, [email protected] Phone: +1-818-998-6299 (11/7/08)

8. PETS: 'FUR SHUI' IMPROVES THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR YOU AND YOUR PETS. PAULABROWN, feng shui practitioner in Encinitas, Calif., and author of "Fur Shui,"offers a serious, but lighthearted, overview of how we can easily improve thequality of life both for our furry (and non-furry) friends and for ourselves:"Animals are full of natural energy and have a pervasive desire to provideemotional support to their caretakers. Our pets have the power to improve ourhealth, protect our homes, and commiserate with us on work, money and love.All owners need to do, is learn to tap into that energy. By understanding thesimple principles in 'fur shui,' you'll immediately enjoy an animal's point ofview of feng shui (Black Hat is now Black Cat). Animals can make a home ajoyous, active, positive place if they are loved and happy. By using the basicknowledge of feng shui and applying it to your pet's life and home, you cancertainly help keep the chi moving and growing. Simple suggestions, like whereto place your pet's water dish to feeding them in a square yellow dish foroptimum health, are just a couple things owners can learn about in fur shui."Brown: +1-760-753-1954 News Contact: Susan Hartzler, [email protected]: +1-818-998-6299 Web site: (11/7/08)

9. PUBLISHING: AUTHORS GUILD V. GOOGLE RULING: LANDMARK SETTLEMENT FOR BOOKAUTHORS. RUSSELL WILD, president of the AMERICAN SOCIETY OF JOURNALISTS ANDAUTHORS (ASJA) in New York: "The Authors Guild recently announced a landmarksettlement of a lawsuit against Google that will result in payment made tobook authors for electronic reproduction and distribution of our work. Thismay be a first step to protecting authors' copyrights from beingelectronically infringed upon. Under the provisions of the settlement, a newBooks Rights Registry will do for authors what ASCAP now does for songwriters:to monitor use and collect fees. The person who holds the rights to a bookwill be paid when it's pulled up on Google, downloaded at a public library, orotherwise accessed in digital format. More than 70 percent of ASJA memberswrite non-fiction books, as well as magazine articles. We applaud this firststep toward fair use of our work in the new digital age." News Contact: RisaHoag, [email protected] Phone: +1-845-627-3000 (11/7/08)

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