
Send Me An Angel(TM) Pairs Senior Citizens With Their Peers in Alternative Care

Saturday, April 12, 2008 General News
SAN FRANCISCO, April 11 Send Me An Angel(TM) Inc., a newcompany that provides individualized care services customized for ailingparents and grandparents today announced it will launch its most innovativeservice for providing care to senior citizens. The new service will offerconcierges who will provide engaging one-on-one experiences for seniors on anongoing basis. Additionally, the concierges will facilitate helping theirclients participate in special occasions, which under normal circumstance theywouldn't be able to do.

"Our objective is to be an adjunct to the regular care options thatalready exist for ailing seniors: we go beyond care. Our clients will bepaired with their own peers or people with similar backgrounds and experienceswho have a desire and the sensitivity to spend quality time with seniors whoare withdrawing because of their physical maladies. Our concierges are notjust hourly workers who look at this as a job they are true professionals,focused on creating experiences that will become the highlight of our client'sday," said Saunders, CEO of Send Me an Angel, Inc.

To celebrate the launch of Send Me An Angel(TM) Sunrise Senior ServicesLiving will hold a reception at their community on Saturday, April 12th from1:30 to 3:30 PM in the afternoon at 2175 Ygnacio Valley Rd., Walnut Creek, CA94998. Saunder's will share her story and that of Send Me an Angel(TM) inperson. Hors d'oeuvres and wine will be served in an atmosphere of healing,gratitude and celebration.

Saunders' journey and the founding of Send Me An Angel(TM) were personal.It began when her mother started experiencing fainting spells. The rapiddecline in her health was overwhelming. "One day I dropped her off after abusy day of shopping, and the next day, she was lost in her own garage, havingtrouble finding her way to the stairs. Soon she was spending all her time inher bedroom, her health and vitality started crumbling before me. I wasdetermined to rescue my mother, normally as busy self reliant go getter fromthe misery of what had become a lonely existence. I was determined she wouldnot become a prisoner in her own home. In fact, we designed Send Me AnAngel(TM) to work with very ill people, people suffering from dementia orAlzheimer's, like my mother, but also for older people who are just tired,suffering from milder maladies, simply depressed or just basically alone."

"In all my fifteen years now of long term care experience, especially inmy involvement as activities and care director, I always looked for somethingnew, something that would turn the tables on the conventional agingexperience," said Pepper Bell, director of Sunrise Senior Living. "AlexandraSaunders' Send Me An Angel(TM) was like being thirsty and getting a little,unexpected shower. We wanted to be part of the launch of this amazingproject."

"What makes us unique is that our concierges are educated professionalswhose background, education and interests matches our client's," saidSaunders. "Our services are relationship, not hourly, based. Our strategy isto enable our clients to stay connected with their family and friends,irrespective of the distance or physical challenges. All of the minutiae arearranged on behalf of the clients and their adult children, keeping at theforefront the quality of the experience," Saunders added.

About Send Me An Angel(TM)

Send Me An Angel(TM), was founded by Alexandra Saunders, a lady with amission to change not only the way the seniors are treated in the society butthe way they are looked at and understood. Meet her personally on Saturday,April 12th from 1:30 to 3:30 PM in the afternoon at 2175 Ygnacio Valley Rd.,Walnut Creek, CA 94998. To confirm, call her at 925-831-8309 or email her [email protected].

SOURCE Send Me An Angel Inc.
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