
Smoke Free Illinois is a Positive Change

Saturday, December 15, 2007 General News
CHICAGO, Dec. 14 Chicagoans voice passionate opinionsabout the Smoke Free Illinois Act taking effect January 1. Smoke Free Illinoismakes it illegal to smoke in or near any public place, with fines up to$250.00.

Non-smokers are thrilled to get rid of those foul fumes. People who haveyet to kick the habit are furious. Further forced into exile, smokers can'teven huddle by the door anymore: they're banned within 15 feet of a building'sentrance.

Smoking is not only not cool anymore ... it's nearly impossible.

Positive Changes Hypnosis Center Chicago can help smokers becomenon-smokers. Most of the center's smoking clients stop after their firsthypnosis session. Some say a slow goodbye to cigarettes; they quit withseveral sessions.

"Now that I'm a non-smoker, I realize that I was out of control. This wasthe easiest and most comfortable way to quit," says Joanne, who'd smoked sincehigh school. Her doctor is delighted too!

Gordon was "smoking about half a pack a day for 45 years before I stoppedsmoking through Positive Changes Hypnosis." While he'd tried the patch and gumwithout success, he agreed to appease his wife by giving it one last try.Gordon was amazed at how easy it was to quit with hypnosis.

72-year-old Lois didn't really want to quit. Smoking was her lastrebellion and her only remaining link to youth. But with her family naggingher daily, she finally decided to let hypnosis "make her want to give it up."Nothing else had worked for Lois, and it took six sessions. But she cut backevery week until she broke the habit that had gripped her for over half acentury.

Chicago area smokers who are ready to be smoke-free can get started with afree consultation at Positive Changes by calling 773-725-3200.

Positive Changes Hypnosis Center Chicago is owned by Karen Hand andCatherine Johns. Since 1987, the Positive Changes network has helped tens ofthousands of North Americans change their behavior ... and change theirlives.Contact: Catherine Johns (773-391-7794) or Karen Hand (773-725-3200) [email protected] [email protected]

SOURCE Positive Changes Hypnosis Center Chicago
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