Home Remedies for Bronchitis

Home Remedies for Bronchitis

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Bronchitis is an inflammation or infection in the bronchial tubes. These bronchial tubes or bronchi connect the nose to the lungs. Swelling in this passage results in blockages in the lungs. Acute bronchitis is when the infection lasts up to a few weeks. But chronic bronchitis can last up to two year stretches at a time.

Symptoms of bronchitis are persistent cough, chest pains, tiredness, fevers, difficulty in breathing and mucus production. Usually the infection in the lungs clears up within weeks but if it persists or if there is blood in the mucus or if the disease is accompanied by bouts of very high fever or difficulty in breathing and sleeping, it’s time to see a doctor immediately. Even if there is no blood, medical care is required to clear up the infections from the lungs and the bronchial tubes.

Causes of bronchitis

Acute bronchitis is a viral infection. At times it is also caused by a bacterial infection though it’s not very common. Chronic bronchitis can occur due to repeated lung infections. Cigarette smoking is one of the chief causes of chronic bronchitis. Inhalation of polluted air due to the presence of toxic gases, industrial fumes or sulfur dioxide can also cause bronchitis.

Home Remedies for Bronchitis

Steam therapy

Inhalation of steam helps clear phlegm and mucus from the bronchial tubes and lungs.

  • To make the steam more effective add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to hot water. Antiseptic properties of eucalyptus oil help clear the bronchial tubes.
  • You can also add leaves of basil or a few cloves into the water when boiling and then use it for inhalation. Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of basil and cloves provide relief in bronchitis.
Home Remedies for Bronchitis: Steam Therapy


ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties, which help clear mucus from lungs.

  • Drink a hot concoction of ginger mixed with some honey several times a day.
  • Boil water with ginger, basil leaves, black peppercorns and drink before bedtime.
  • You can chew on raw ginger pieces sprinkled with salt to find relief from bouts of cough.


Honey is packed with mineral and enzymes that help clear out infections from the body and reduce inflammations.

  • Mix honey with cinnamon powder and consume a few times a day until infection clears up.
  • Add honey to herbal teas and drink as often as you can. This is also a good habit to imbibe for those who suffer from frequent colds and nasal infections.
Home Remedies for Bronchitis: Honey

Black pepper

Anti-inflammatory property of black pepper makes it an excellent home remedy for bronchitis.

  • Add powdered black pepper to herbal teas and concoctions and consume several times a day.
  • Mix jaggery and black pepper powder and make small balls. Chew on them for relief from cough and throat irritations.
  • You can also make a hot concoction of black pepper, ginger, jaggery and basil leaves and drink at bedtime.


Antibacterial properties found in onion help in bronchial treatment.

  • Make a hot soup with 2 onions, one tomato, some garlic and few chili peppers. Have this for dinner a few times a week during bronchitis treatment.
  • You can also consume onion and honey together in a mixture and swallow it with water.
Home Remedies for Bronchitis: Onion Soup

Further Prevention Tips:

If you are someone who suffers from chronic cold and cough or bronchitis, then take some preventive measures to keep infections at bay and strengthen your immune system.

  • Consume foods high in vitamin C. Daily intake of at least one type of citrus food can do wonders for your health.
  • Add peppers, onion, garlic, and ginger to everyday diet.
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap especially before meals.
  • If you smoke, quit smoking.
Home Remedies for Bronchitis: Quit Smoking











