Submitted By: Jeffil | Current Rating: 5
What will you call someone who has 5 brothers and 5 sisters ???...
Submitted By: Sheela | Current Rating: 7
Medical student was asked......
Submitted By: arati dave | Current Rating: 1
A student was describing a swelling on the tongue. Being a Bengali he was pronouncing tongue as Taang, which in Hindi, an Indian Language, means leg. So the Prof said to him-- hey, what do you mean tongue or Taang.... there's so much diffference between the two, one is so near heaven and the other so far from it!!!...
Submitted By: arati Dave | Current Rating: 1
A man was standing outside a lady doctor s clinic and ogling at her from 4 to 6pm. a policeman caught him and asked him the reason,he replied "she herself has written, patients to be seen from 4 to 6pm" ...
Submitted By: | Current Rating: 3.8
A neurologist diagnosed a patient with carpal tunnel syndrome. The same patient
also had a back problem and went to see an orthopedic surgeorn. The orthopedician
was full of ego and told the patient he did not have carpal tunnel syndrome.
Submitted By: | Current Rating: 1
A young doctor was to take up his new position in a small community hospital in a town....
Submitted By: | Current Rating: 1
A salesman who had been ill for two weeks, wrote these words across his monthly sales report:
" A serious attack of laryngitis has taken the wind out of my sales."...
Submitted By: | Current Rating: 1
Maybe science has advanced too far in electronics , but wait until you hear this story !
It was an office party in a completely automated office . The computer got drunk and tried to undo the ribbon on the electronic typewriter....
Submitted By: | Current Rating: 1
Husband to wife , " doctor gave me some pills yesterday to improve my memory."
" So ? " exclaimed the wife .
" So I forgot to take them ." replied the husband.
Submitted By: | Current Rating: 5.8
Mrs.Smith to the doctor: " You told me not to worry about my son wetting his bed at night and it's perfectly normal.
Well i don't think so and neither does his wife"....
In my mind, there is nothing so illiberal and so ill bred as audible laughter
View allFunny tit bits from everywhere. You're sure to laugh your brains out...
View allThe best of gooers from the future medical men, these are contributions from first year medical studens...
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