
£750 may Soon be Offered to Egg Donors

by Savitha C Muppala on Oct 20 2011 11:37 PM

 £750 may Soon be Offered to Egg Donors
Women in the United Kingdom who donate their eggs may soon receive an incentive of £750, a move which seeks to draw more donors to donate their eggs in  a bid to help many childless couples.  

This purpose of this move is to avert a serious problem in getting donors which is forcing many childless couples to look abroad for eggs and sperm for their IVF treatment.


The shortage occurred after 2005, when a law pertaining to donor anonymity was withdrawn and this meant that children of egg and sperm donors could actually find them. This did not seem like a great idea to many enthusiastic donors.


Some critics are of the opinion that paying donors for egg donation may spark a new trend where people choose to donate just for a fast buck.  


On the same hand, some mothers also feel that £750 is a small compensation for the effort, time, discomfort and even pain faced by women who opt for this method. 


