
Brit Men Struggle With A Crisis Of Confidence In Bedroom ,Boardroom And Bar

by Hannah Punitha on Dec 8 2008 3:59 PM

A UK research says that when it came to confidence in the boardroom, bedroom and the bar, Brit men lack confidence.

In a poll of 2,000 men aged 16 to 65, OnePoll, an independent market research company, found that men are struggling with a crisis of confidence, with almost half confessing that they feel anxious most of the time - particularly at work and especially around women.

The majority of men admitted struggling to feel confident about their place in society. About half confessed to feeling most insecure when at work, while another 40 per cent also felt inadequate during nights out with friends, the study found.

All those questioned by the survey, commissioned by Braun, admitted to feeling increasingly emasculated by women and said their feelings of inadequacy soar when women are present.

In terms of intimacy, one in four quizzed said they are racked by feelings of inadequacy during sex, saying that film and television programmes like Sex and the City had made them anxious about not having enough stamina and imagination in the bedroom.

"Men are more likely than women to have fragile self-esteem, as they judge their status in society through success in a single sphere, such as their career, the size of their pay packet or the model of their car," quoted David Sharpley, of the British Psychological Society,a s saying.

"These are all subject to a high degree of ambiguity and risk. Because men are generally poor at introspection and communicating their emotions, this uncertainty can cause the collapse of their self-esteem. But then, because men tend to bottle their emotions, they instinctively fake the confidence they once felt. This exacerbates the problem many times over, because it makes it harder for men to ask for help or for others to see that they need support," he added.

