The secret behind the thin physique of French people is Dukan Diet and this notion is fast spreading among US citizens.
The secret behind the thin physique of French people is Dukan Diet and this notion is fast spreading among US citizens. The Dukan Diet has been developed by a 69-year old neurologist, Dr. Pierre Dukan. His book has been translated in 14 languages and over millions of copies of the book have been sold.
About 1/3
rd Americans are overweight or obese. Similarly the incidence of type-2 diabetes
is also on the rise. With a view to end the weight problems in US, Dr. Dukan plans to spread this diet throughout the country. The diet basically consists of high protein, low fat; plenty of
water, oat-bran, veggies, no fruit; and some wine and dessert days to make it tolerable. The exercise regime includes 20 minutes of walking and avoiding the use of elevators.
However the critics have rated the Dukan's plan either as the French version of the Atkins diet or an unhealthy fad.