
Exercise Leads to Better Sex Life too

There are a whole host of benefits of physical exercises including better sex life.

According to exercise physiologist Fabio Comana of the American Council, “Obviously, exercise helps with weight loss, lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, [while] reducing risk for such things as osteoporosis and diabetes.” He also mentions that, “Those are the mainstream benefits, but there’s a lot more people may not be aware of.”

The National Sleep Foundation of the US reports that afternoon workouts will deepen shut-eye sleep and help you get to sleep quicker. They do however caution that vigorous exercise close to your bedtime can actually have the reverse effects.

Several years ago a study concluded that a morning fitness regime was the answer to a better sleep pattern. Researchers at Fred Hutchins found that postmenopausal women who stuck to a morning exercise of 30 minutes or more had less trouble falling asleep than those who were less active, writes Yana Berlin in the website

Also several studies claim that people who follow an exercise regime have an easier time to kick the habit.

A study in the journal of Nature reports that sedentary senior citizens who took up walking for 45 minutes three days a week, significantly improved their mental skills. Another study at the Middlesex University in London discovered that 25 minutes of aerobic exercise boosted scores on creativity tests.

Further another experiment, “Found [that] physically fit workers were 12.5 percent more efficient at the end of the day than their non-physically fit counterparts,” Comana says.

Exercise not only makes you smarter, and helps you stop smoking, but it is also linked to a better sex life.

Let’s face it, no one feels sexy with an extra “tire” around their waist, or a few extra dimples on their thighs. Besides, poor general health can lead to poor sexual function. Now that statement alone should prevent you from skipping your work out again.

In a study of more than 31,000 men at the Harvard School of Public Health, researchers found that those who were physically active had a 30 percent lower risk of erectile dysfunction than the men with little or no physical activity.

As for women, one study at the University of British Columbia found that 20 minutes of exercise spurred greater sexual response in female participants, compared to no exercise at all.

In an experiment reported by the Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality, people who exercise regularly feel more sexually desirable and report higher levels of satisfaction, not to mention that they feel better about themselves.

In short, smile and walk, swim, bike or run your way to a better sex life today.

Yana Berlin is the founder and CEO of, devoted to the celebration of all things, primarily women and the challenges and joys they face juggling their careers, children, relationships, and life’s other issues. Fabulously is a social network for women that catalyzes its members to celebrate and embrace their life. Since launching - Mrs. Berlin has been connecting, and supporting women all over the world.

