Garbage has heaped up on the outskirts of the Yelahanka city, in the village of Mavallipura. 700 tons of garbage collected from across Bangalore is dumped here per day.

Stray dog menace has increased in the area. Mosquitoes and flies compel the residents to use mosquito nets even in the day-time. Lakes, wells and ponds are rendered toxic. The number of scavenging birds was a threat to the defense aircraft movements flying from the Yelahanka Air Force base, which is just 5-km away from Mavallipura.
Commissioner of the BBMP, Siddaiah assured the residents that he would address the health and environmental hazards due to the BBMP's garbage dump yard. While assuring the villagers he said, "Pesticides would be sprayed in the villages to control the mosquito and fly menace. For the next three days quality of water in lakes, wells and bore-wells will be tested. I would convey the problems of loss of crop due to the garbage dumping yard to the government." He assured villagers that he would make a sincere effort to supply the water of Cauvery water in the village.
The Environment Support Group (ESG) believes that privatization of garbage disposal is the root cause of this problem. ESG will work in conjunction with BBMP to solve this problem.