Goat milk, preferred by Mahatma Gandhi, contains many nutrients that make it similar to human milk.

The regular consumption of goat milk by individuals with iron deficiency anemia improves their recovery, since it enhances the nutritional use of iron and enhances the regeneration of hemoglobin.
The researchers found that goat milk has many nutrients -as casein- that make it similar to human milk.
It contains less casein alpha 1 -as human milk-, which is responsible for most allergies to cow milk. Therefore, goat milk is hypoallergenic.
"For this reason, in some countries it is used as the basis for the development of infant formula in place of cow milk", said the researchers.
Additionally, another benefit is that it contains a significant amount of oligosaccharides with a composition similar to that of human milk. These compounds reach the large intestine undigested and act as prebiotics, i.e they help develop probiotic flora that competes with pathogenic bacterial flora, making it disappear.
The researchers said that goat milk is rich in calcium and phosphorus, it is highly bioavailable and favors their deposition in the organic matrix of bone, leading to an improvement in bone formation parameters.
For all these reasons, researchers consider that "goat milk can be considered natural functional food, and its regular consumption should be promoted among the population.