These days the recommendation is to conserve as much as electricity as possible.

Most users normally generate between 50 and 150 watts while working out which is enough energy, if stored to power a mobile phone for a week. The electricity generated is used to help power the lights, fans, stereo and flat screen TVs in the gym.
Boesel, a former elementary teacher from Seattle, claims his electricity bill is now down 60 pc and the gym is 85 pc more efficient than other gyms of the same size. ''The only sense it makes is in educating people in taking care of the environment," the Daily Mail quoted him as saying.
Boesel says that in 2009, the gym had generated 36 pc of its own electricity or 37,000 Kilowatt hours equal to 74,000 pounds of carbon emissions, 81,400 miles not driven and 15 acres of trees planted.
The environment friendly Green Microgym is 3,000 square foot and features solar panels, renewable-source flooring and even recycled toilet paper.