A new study has linked higher IQ to illegal drug use in adulthood.
Children with a high IQ are more likely to indulge in illegal drug use during adolescence and adulthood, according to researchers at Cardiff University and University College London. Following the analysis of almost 8,000 people it was concluded that men with a high IQ at 5-years of age were around 50% more likely to have taken drugs like amphetamines or ecstasy 25-years later, than those with low IQ scores at the same age. This effect was more stronger among women. High-IQ women were more than
twice as likely as low-IQ women to have used cannabis and cocaine.
These findings could be attributed to previous research which shows that highly intelligent people are open to experiments and keen on novelty and stimulation. Also, intelligent people are more likely to get bored or suffer at the hands of their peers for being different, either of which could lead them to use drugs as an avoidant coping strategy.
The study is published in the ’Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health’.