World Heart Day had a new significance for India’s first woman preventive cardiologist, Dr Pratiksha, with her heart patients celebrating their happiness and longevity of life.

Revealed Pratiksha, “according to a recent study, there will be a 137% and 120% increase in heart disease for males and females in developing countries, including India. Unfortunately, most of them will be between the ages of 15 to 69 years. 53.1 per cent of heart disease related deaths across the world are of women and the mortality rate among Indian women is far higher compared to that of other races.”
But as Dr. Pratiksha outlined the Federation’s strategies to reduce and prevent the disease, there was an audible sigh of relief. “It is true that India will soon become the heart disease capital of India. But it is also true that almost 80% of premature deaths can be prevented with a balanced diet, regular physical activity, avoiding tobacco and taking steps to reduce stress at work. On the 10th World Heart Day, the World Heart Federation has outlined 10 simple steps to prevent heart disease, especially at the workplace. She explained about the slogan ' I WORK WITH HEART' of world heart day this year. In India, we plan to spread awareness about these steps through public talks, walks, sporting events and so on. And we will leave no stone unturned to reduce the extent of heart disease in the country,” said the doctor who has successfully treated serious heart patients without surgery at her IPC Heart Care Centre in Mumbai. She discussed that 80% of cardiac cases can be treated by non-invasive cost effective treatments by sharing success stories of her patients present at the conference.
Post the conference at the IPC Heartcare Centre, Actress Gracy Singh gave a beautiful Bharata Natyam performance, young music director-singer Ricky who composed an anthem with heart-beats, Sufi singer Dr soma Ghosh, Sahil Multy Khan and Leonard Victor regaled the audiences with their mellifluous voice as the patients joined in, young artist Tashvin Patel of Agle Janam Mohe Bitiya said a poem on Good Heart, while Dr Mukul Dabholkar shared his views as well.
All in all, a heartening event indeed.