A study in an upcoming issue of the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology says that for patients with IgA nephropathy steroid treatment can prevent loss of kidney function.

Patients with IgA nephropathy develop deposits of the protein IgA in the kidneys. The abnormal IgA deposits damage the glomeruli (the filtering units of the kidney), leading to blood and protein in the urine. Previous studies have shown that steroids can reduce urine protein levels and help protect kidney function. However, some patients develop progressive kidney disease, despite steroid treatment.
For the new study, 207 patients with IgA nephropathy were randomly assigned to receive steroids, alone or with the immunosuppressant drug azathioprine. The researchers wanted to see if a more aggressive treatment approach using azathioprine—most commonly used to prevent rejection after organ transplantation—could produce better outcomes.
However, there were no major differences in the results with steroids alone or steroids plus azathioprine. After 5 years' follow-up, nearly 90 percent of patients in both groups were alive without progressive kidney disease. In contrast, patients receiving azathioprine had more complications and side effects.
The study is the largest clinical trial of IgA nephropathy to date and provides important confirmation that steroids can halt or slow the progression toward advanced kidney disease. "The number of enrolled patients and the length of follow-up make the results very strong," Pozzi says.
All patients in the study had normal or only slightly reduced kidney function. "However, IgA nephropathy is frequently a silent disease that is not diagnosed until kidney function is already damaged," Pozzi adds. "We want to verify if this treatment could be useful to slow down the progression of kidney disease in patients with severe renal insufficiency."