Mind/body therapies may help women undergoing infertility treatment to beat stress and anxiety thereby boosting the IVF success rates, according to a study.

To study the effects of the mind/body therapies on IVF pregnancy outcomes, Domar's team conducted a comparison test on women aged 40 years or below with normal hormonal levels.
None of the participants had previously participated in a mind/body group.
The participants were divided into a study group that entered the mind/body therapies and a control group who received no mind/body intervention.
Domar tracked the groups through two IVF cycles.
In the first cycle, there was no difference in conception rates between the study group and the control group.
"And that's when we saw the significant increase in pregnancy rates."
"The study supports the theory that psychological distress may be an important detriment to IVF outcome," the authors write.
The study has been published in Fertility and Sterility, a publication of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine.