Mozambique plans to vaccinate 3.6 million children against measles over the next five days in a bid to reduce deaths by 98 percent by the end of 2012, a UN official said Sunday.

"This campaign has put Mozambique in a position to be the first sub-Saharan African country to reach the 2012 goal," said Andrea Gay, executive director for children's health at the UN Foundation.
Health officials across the country will vaccinate children under five years from Monday to Friday in a $4.5 million (three-million-euro) campaign.
Representatives of the WHO, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and former US senator Bob Bennett inspected preparations at the Marracuene district hospital outside the Mozambican capital Maputo before the start of the campaign.
One of the world's poorest countries, Mozambique has improved measles immunisation to cover 74.1 percent of the population.
"On a global scale we can eradicate measles by 2020," said Gay.
The country recorded 434 cases, down from 197,000 cases in 2007.
The country of 22.1 million people is prone to flooding and access to medical care is limited.