
New Technology may Help Doctors “Feel” Tumors During Keyhole Surgeries

by Kathy Jones on Aug 18 2011 7:33 PM

 New Technology may Help Doctors “Feel” Tumors During Keyhole Surgeries
Doctors conducting keyhole surgeries could be able to “feel” the tumors and ascertain whether they are malignant or benign after researchers at Leeds University developed a new technology combining computer virtualisation with a device that simulates pressure on a surgeon's hand when touching human tissue remotely.
Lead researcher Dr Rob Hewson said that the new device will help doctors to assess the tumors more effectively since they can virtually feel the texture and stiffness of the tissue. Currently, the doctors can only look at the tissue by using video cameras in keyhole procedure.

Speaking to the BBC News, one of the engineering students who worked on the project, Earle Jamieson said, “You move the device around and, just like your computer mouse, it moves around the virtual 3D surface. The computer sends a signal to the device to tell it the force you are applying. You can actually feel the response forces you would have felt on your hand.”

