
New drug proven to tackle Type 2 Diabetes

A new drug called Rosiglitazone capable of controlling Type 2 diabetes has been given the green signal by researchers, Researchers content that this drug is capable of reported in The Lancet ,a renounced British medical journal . Researchers content that this drug is capable of reducing Type 2 Diabetes by 60%.

The results of a 3 year long study named DREAM(for Diabetes Reduction Approaches with Medication )conducted at Royal Victoria Hospital led by endocrinologist Jean-Francois Yale have shown that in every thousand cases of “pre-diabetes” treated with Rosiglitazone,144 new cases were prevented. The drug exhibited a capability to bring down blood sugar levels to normal. This 25 million dollar study which was funded by 3 drug companies and Canadian Institutes of Health Research studied 5,000 patients recruited from over 21 countries. Canada itself has a staggering 2 million diabetics currently and is expected to cross 3 million by year 2010.

Such a breakthrough would immensely benefit individuals with a strong history of Diabetes running in the family, or were either parent or both are already known diabetics. However it has to be kept in mind that predominantly it is only a well balanced diet and regular exercise that have been proven to pay rich dividends in controlling the late onset type of diabetes, as proven in research studies. Though currently rosiglitazone is being used only as a second line treatment for diabetics, it may soon be used as a front line therapy for nearly 8% of people with high blood sugar world wide.

Rosiglitazone is still not proven in its efficacy to stall onset of Diabetes in those who fall in the high risk group or if there could be a relapse of diabetes if it is withdrawn from a patient. Nearly 2 million Canadians are diabetic. The Canadian Diabetes Association predicts that number will rise to 3 million by 2010.

It's not known yet whether the drug prevents or delays diabetes or whether its effects disappear once patients stop treatment.

