Early exposure to the easily accessible pornographic material online could increase the risk of being infected with sexually transmitted diseases later on, states a new study.
![Pornography at Early Age Increases STD Risk Later On
Pornography at Early Age Increases STD Risk Later On](https://www.medindia.net/afp/images/Lifestyle-Canada-US-justice-pornography-technology-94992.jpg)
The average age of first sexual intercourse for men and women has dropped from 19 in the 1960s to 16 today.
And the worry is that the earlier teenagers have sex, the more likely they are to have multiple partners and be exposed to the risk of sexually transmissible infections.
"A comprehensive, coordinated and evidence-based public health approach could help reduce rates of unplanned pregnancy, sexually transmissible infections and preventable infertility. These are just a few of the sexual and reproductive health issues a national strategy would address," Weerakoon said.
The proposed strategy would improve research, sex education and access to contraception.