Delaying clamping the umbilical cord for a slightly longer period of time allows more umbilical cord blood volume to transfer from mother to infant

"Several clinical studies have shown that delaying clamping the umbilical cord not only allows more blood to be transferred but helps prevent anemia as well. Cord blood also contains many valuable stem cells, making this transfer of stem cells a process that might be considered 'the original stem cell transplant,'" said the paper's lead author Dr. Paul Sanberg, director of the Center.
At birth, the placenta and umbilical cord start contracting and pumping blood toward the newborn. After the blood equilibrates, the cord's pulse ceases and blood flow from mother to newborn stops.
In recent Western medical practice, early clamping-from 30 seconds to one minute after birth-remains the most common practice among obstetricians and midwives, perhaps because the benefits of delaying clamping have not been clear.
However, waiting for more than a minute, or until the cord stops pulsating, may be beneficial, said the authors.
Today, the cord may be clamped early for a number of reasons, including the medical resuscitation and stabilizing of infants or the notion that delaying clamping might lead to adverse effects or, more recently, to quickly facilitate umbilical cord banking.
A transfer of pluripotent stems cells continues throughout pregnancy, however, and for a time through the umbilical cord following delivery.
Another potential benefit of delayed cord clamping is to ensure that the baby can receive the complete retinue of clotting factors.
Scientists favouring delayed clamping cite the value of the infant's receiving umbilical cord blood (UCB)-derived stem cells, known to be pluripotent.
"The virtue of the unique and immature features of cord blood, including their ability to differentiate, are well known," added Sanberg.
The researchers concluded that many common disorders in newborns related to the immaturity of organ systems may receive benefits from delayed clamping.
These may include: respiratory distress; anemia; sepsis; intraventricular haemorrhage; and periventricular leukomalacia.
They also speculate that other health problems, such as chronic lung disease, prematurity apneas and retinopathy of prematurity, may also be affected by a delay in cord blood clamping.
"There remains no consensus among scientists and clinicians on cord clamping and proper cord blood collection. The most important thing is to avoid losing valuable stems cells during and just after delivery," concluded co-author and obstetrician Dr. Stephen Klasko.
The authors agreed that delaying cord clamping should appropriately be delayed for pre-term babies and babies born where there is no effort to bank umbilical cords, and for babies born where there is limited access to health care and where nutrition may be poor.
The USF review is published in a recent issue of the Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine.