Adding salt to the food in any form- sea salt, rock salt or common salt is harmful for health.
Sea salt is not better than common salt, according to Consensus Action on Salt and Health (CASH). Sea salt is 19-times more expensive than common salt, but does no good for health, despite claims that it is ‘natural’ and contains ‘minerals’.
Both types of salt contain sodium chloride as its main ingredient (100%). Excessive amount of sodium chloride is harmful in any form, whether it is sea salt or common salt. It should be used minimally as it raises the blood pressure. This in turn increases the risk of heart diseases and is also linked to osteoporosis, stomach cancer and kidney disease.
Experts suggest skipping salt altogether as we are consuming much more salt than the daily dietary requirement. Almost 75% is hidden in the food we eat. They recommend using more complex salts at the end of the cooking process rather than adding it in the middle.
Source- Medindia