
The Doctor Parents of a 15 Year Old ‘surgeon’ Arrested

Tirruchirappalli: Mannapparai Police today arrested Dr K Murugesan and his wife Dr M Gandhimathy in connection with the alleged caesarean-section performed by their 15-year-old son Dhileepan Raj

Doctor couple arrested in TN for allowing 15-year-old to perform caesarean

Police in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu on Monday arrested the doctor parents of a 15-year-old boy who had performed a caesarean section on a woman sometime ago. Key words: caesarean section, pregnant, baby, surgery, hurt, endangering, life, safety, cheating, clinic, video footage, Guinness, anesthetizing, patient, child, professional, Indian Medical Association, underground, complaint, family, harm, Health Services, bifid uterus, Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Regulation and Prevention and Misuse) Act, What started off as a Guinness attempt has ended up as notoriety and, worse, the lead actors in the story could have to spend some prison term too.

A doctor couple in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu have been remanded to 15-day judicial custody for allowing their 15-year-old son to perform caesarean section on a pregnant woman sometime ago.

The couple are charged with endangering the life of the patient and abetting their son’s illegal practice of surgery without any qualifications.

The son, Dhileepan Raj, a school student, has since gone underground and a special team has been formed to apprehend him.

All the three have been charged under various sections of the Indian Penal Code, including Sec. 336 (rash or negligent act endangering life and safety of others), sec. 338 (causing grievous hurt by such act), sec. 417 and 419 (related to cheating by impersonation), sec. 468 (forgery for the purpose of cheating), sec. 201 (causing disappearance of evidence) read with Sec. 114 (abetment, when abettor is present at the time of commission of the offence) and Sec. 15(2) and 15(3) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956, (provisions relating to practising medicine without being enrolled in the State Medical Register).

The case came to light last month when Dr. Murugesan, who runs a surgical clinic at Manapparai in Tiruchi district in central tamil nadu, proudly presented the video footage of the surgery performed by his 15-year-old son, apparently in pursuit of a Guinness Record, before the local chapter of the Tamil Nadu unit of the Indian Medical Association (IMA) last month.

Though nothing is known of the fate of the mother performed on or of the child, the doctor said they were doing fine.

But his professional colleagues were not amused. Saying an unqualified teenager should not have been permitted to perform a complicated surgery, they submitted a memorandum to the Tamil Nadu Medical Council for suitable disciplinary action against Dr.Murugesan.

Tiruchi district collector Ashish Vachhani told the media that based on a formal complaint from the Deputy Director of Health Services, the police registered a case against the three members of the family.












