Got two left feet? Well, then instead of wasting money on dance classes, try to spend a few minutes measuring your ears, suggest researchers.
The music is on, the stage is set, and the disco ball is edging you onto the dance floor... In such instances, if the fear of dancing on 'two left feet' refuses to let you move out from your chair, scientists are suggesting that you should measure your ears instead!
Researchers in Edinburgh have embarked upon a mass experiment which will be see both good and bad dancers. They have been invited to show off their skills before having their ears also subjected to scrutiny.The study's motive is to test the theory that the more symmetrical you are, the more likely you are to be a hit on the dance floor.
"We will be finding the best and worst dancers in the room and finding out how symmetrical their bodies are. Good dancers tend to be quite physically symmetrical - if you measure their ears they tend to be about the same size," The Scotsman quoted researcher Professor Richard Wiseman, as saying.
The reasons behind the link between symmetry, dancing and attractiveness are complex. Symmetrical features, such as equally sized ears and eyes, are generally thought to be linked to genetic quality.
Previous studies suggest highly symmetrical people are generally rated as more attractive.
According to Wiseman, in evolutionary terms, attractiveness was a sign of a good genetic background, meaning someone was likely to produce the best and healthiest offspring.
"You expect good dancers to be displaying their fitness and people who are good bets from an evolutionary perspective are those who are quite symmetrical in terms of facial attraction," he said.
Then the ear measuring will commence. Wiseman said researchers suspected the best dancers would have the most symmetrical ears, while the worst dancers would be less equal - though there may only be a few millimetres difference.
"Pretty much every society dances and a lot of the time those dances are about attracting mates," he added.