Alarmed over the increasing use of antibiotics to treat even common diseases, Dr John Robin Warren has warned that resistance to antibiotics poses a ‘major global threat’ to public health.

Warren also said, “Doctors should stop prescribing antibiotics when they are not needed."
"A doctor shouldn't prescribe an antibiotic to a patient, if he/she knows that the antibiotics are not going to be of any assistance. However, some doctors tend to prescribe antibiotics because of pressure from their patients," he said.
Asked if he noticed a decline in prescription of antibiotics after a report by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Australia scientist said, “The situation is not a disaster yet, but could easily become one. I haven't seen things improving after the report."
Dr John Robin Warren awarded the Nobel for his work in Physiology in 2005 for his discovery on the 'bacterium Helicobacter pylori' and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer diseases.
"When we began our journey, scientific and technological tools were not advanced. It was believed that bacteria couldn't grow in stomach, good biopsies were rare, and there were no clinical specimens.
Gastritis was not understood well, but we refused to be discouraged, kept experimenting with determination. After years of dedicated hard work, we discovered the bacterial strain," he said.