Watching too much television at a stretch could increase your chances of death from a pulmonary embolism

‘More than 2.5 hours in front of the TV raises risk of a clot by 70%. But the researchers said pausing the TV every hour or so to have a stretch and walk round the room could massively reduce the risk.’

This new study included more than 86,024 people in Japan, aged 40 to 70 years. They were asked how many hours they spent watching television and then were followed for 19 years between 1988 and 1990. During that time, 59 participants died of a pulmonary embolism.

Compared to those who watched less than 2.5 hours of television a day, the risk of dying from pulmonary embolism increased 70% among those who watched 2.5 to 4.9 hours daily. It was 40% greater for each additional two hours of television viewing, and 2.5 times higher among those who watched five or more hours a day, the study found.
The results were published in the journal Circulation.
These findings may be of concern to Americans, who reportedly watch more TV than Japanese adults, said study first author Dr. Toru Shirakawa, a research fellow in public health at Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine. "Nowadays, with online video streaming, the term binge-watching to describe viewing multiple episodes of television programs in one sitting has become popular," Shirakawa said.
Pulmonary embolism occurs at a lower rate in Japan than it does in Western countries, but it may be on the rise, said corresponding author Dr. Hiroyasu Iso, a professor of public health at Osaka University. "The Japanese people are increasingly adopting sedentary lifestyles, which we believe is putting them at increased risk," Iso said.
While the study can't prove a direct cause and effect relationship, it's likely the risk of death from watching too much television is even higher than what was found in the study because the condition is difficult to diagnose, the researchers said. Also the research was done before mobile computers and unlimited streaming services became popular.