Wine is a famous drink and the sparkle of many a party. That apart, wine is very much in the good books of medical experts, as a health drink, known to sustain cardiovascular health.

Wine is essentially an alcoholic drink, made from the juice of fruits, primarily grapes, which undergoes a process of fermentation. Many other fruits like plum, elderberry and blackcurrant could be substituted in place of grapes, and subjected to the same process of fermentation to make wine; yet grapes are most suited because they are organically endowed to ferment completely on their own, without additives like enzymes, acids, nutrients or extra sugars.
The method adopted to make wines, called ‘vinification’, segregates wines into distinct types. Wines are categorized as ‘sparkling’, ‘still’, ‘fortified’, ‘rosé’, and ‘blush’. Wine gets its color not so much from the juice of the grapes, which is mostly transparent and clear, but more from the skin, which is either present or absent during the fermentation process. It is often stated, older the wine the better it gets, owing to the increased levels of antioxidants in the wine. It is perhaps for this reason, vintage wines are a connoisseurs’ delight, and is costlier than the rest of the class.
Red wine, made out of the juice of red or black grapes, acquires the red color due to the fermentation process that retains the skin of the grapes. White wine is made from grapes of any color, where the grapes are separated from their skin during the fermentation process. A wine is known to be ‘sparkling’, if it has a fizzy appearance, owing to the presence of elevated levels of carbon dioxide; Fortified wine, contains added alcohol, mostly brandy.
Wine has an alcohol content between 11 to 14 percent however fortified wines, such as port have alcohol added (such as Brandy) and this raises the alcohol content to between 18 and 20 percent.
Wine occupies an enviable position in the medical journals, and its positive effects on health are a subject of on-going discussion. Many academic insights have substantiated that alcohol in general, and red wine in particular, when consumed in moderation, is actually good for health. The reason for the protective effect is the presence of antioxidants, called flavanoids, present in the skin and seeds of red grapes, which contribute to the increase in HDL cholesterol as well as exhibit anti-clotting properties. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has corroborated this finding, and recommended intake of one to two glasses of red wine a day, which assist in reducing cholesterol, as well as reduce the chances of cancer.
Our ancestors knew of the advantages of wine when consumed in moderation. In fact alcohol is probably the oldest form of drug. The Apostle Paul suggested to Timothy to drink wine to help his continuous sickness and help his stomach.