Indian Chest Society (ICS) has evaluated that India is likely to encounter its peak in terms of positive COVID-19 cases by the end of April.

‘Global lockdown will help in slowing down the escalation of coronavirus cases as well as the death rate.’

The lockdown will definitely help in slowing down the escalation of cases as well as the mortality rate, as was experienced during the Spanish flu pandemic of 1919. 

The rationale behind the 21-day nationwide lockdown is based on the balance between the incubation period and the expected natural course of the spread of the virus and its impact, the statement said.
In a webinar conducted recently on COVID-19 preparedness and healthcare workers' protection, the ICS concluded that the long working hours and continuous exposure to high-risk patients are the cause behind the increased risk of contracting COVID-19 among the healthcare workers.
"Working continuously for more than 10 hours in high-risk COVID care area, respiratory aerosol-generating procedures, inadequate hand hygiene practices, and inadequate PPE has been found to increase the chance of infection among the healthcare workers," it said.