The COVID-19 recovery rate in India has jumped past the 26 per cent mark, revealed sources. In the past 24 hours, 2,293 new coronavirus cases have been reported.
In India, in the past 24 hours, 2,293 new coronavirus cases have been reported, the most in a single day so far, taking the total number of cases to 37,336, the Union Health Ministry said on Saturday. Despite this steep rise in the number of cases, the country's recovery rate has jumped past the 26 per cent mark.
‘COVID-19 in India: In the past one week, about 1,500 new cases were reported each day on an average. Yet, the recovery rate of coronavirus patients has doubled in the past 14 days.’
According to the Health Ministry, a total of 9,950 people have been cured, and in the last 24 hours, 1,061, patients have recovered. "This takes our total recovery rate to 26.65 per cent. The total number of confirmed cases is now 37,336. Since Friday, an increase of 2,293 has been noted in the number of Covid-19 confirmed cases in India," read a Health Ministry statement on Saturday.
Lav Agarwal, Joint Secretary at the Health Ministry, had said earlier this week that the recovery rate has improved from 13.06 per cent to above 25.19 per cent in the past 14 days, and termed it as a huge positive in the country's fight against coronavirus.