Snacking makes anyone addictive to it especially during the monsoon. Eating healthy snacks may be a wise choice than just munching on calories that make you fat.

- Chakli: A fried South Indian snack prepared from rice flour goes well with a steaming cup of tea. Substitute: Sprout salad! To satisfy your taste buds, you can add chopped onion, cucumber and limejuice.
- Samosa: Stuffed potato or vegetables coated with all purpose flour and deep-fried. It is a favourite of many, thanks to the delicious stuffing and its aroma. Substitute: Baking the samosa is a better option, as very less oil is used in the process.
- Pakodas: Be it onion, potato or spinach, pakodas made with besan flour are addictive especially in the rainy season. Substitute: Retain the vegetables, and make sandwiches with brown bread.
- Chole bhature: Chole bhature have managed to get some space in the heart of every Indian. Substitute: Replace the oily food item with pav bhaji, made from finely chopped vegetables. Cook in less oil to make it healthy.