'Love Your Bones' is the message conveyed on World Osteoporosis Day 2011. To attain this one needs to resort to the following three steps – vitamin D, calcium-rich foods and exercise.

World Osteoporosis Day (WOD) is annually observed all over the world on the 20th of October. Through the theme “Love Your Bones” the message conveyed is that to attain unbreakable bones one needs to resort to the following three steps – vitamin D, calcium-rich foods and exercise.
World Osteoporosis Day (WOD) spearheaded by the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF), launches a round- the -year campaign committed to raising the global awareness on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of osteoporosis.
Typically, WOD involves the participation of osteoporosis patients, their health care providers, support groups and societies from around the world. WOD activities are recorded in over 90 countries.
Osteoporosis is more common among the women population but the incidence is rising among the men too. Changing lifestyles, lack of exercise and poor dietary habits are the main culprits.
Osteoporosis is poised to become the next huge health crisis in India after diabetes. There are 36 million Indians expected to be affected by osteoporosis in the year 2013.The number of cases have doubled in the last decade and one in three women in urban India, above the age of 45 years, has osteoporosis.
Staying indoors and lack of sunlight exposure due to working in air-conditioned offices has resulted in increase in prevalence of osteoporosis even in tropical countries.
What is osteoporosis?
It is a “silent disease” and its presence is often made known after the patient has suffered an injury from a fall and sustained a fracture of the bone.
Age, family history, smoking, alcohol consumption, low calcium - vitamin D diet and certain medications are the common risk factors of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is also very common in menopausal women whose estrogen content is vastly reduced.
The disease is diagnosed using X-ray or the DEXA scan.
Osteoporosis is treatable with medications. Treatment is often aimed at stopping bone tissue loss and preventing further damage. Anti-resorptive medications that prevent bone tissue loss are the latest among the treatment options.
The disease can also be effectively managed with lifestyle changes. 30 minutes of sunshine daily along with a balanced diet containing calcium and vitamin D in adequate measures can help prevent Osteoporosis. The sunlight helps convert the inactive vitamin to active vitamin D and this is essential for absorption and utilization of calcium by the body.
Osteoporosis is often thought to be the condition of the fragile, the elderly and the frail .In reality, the disease sets in much early in life and the peak bone density is reached during age 25.
In those who are already fragile, hip protective devices are employed to prevent fractures.
Regular exercising, abstinence from smoking and alcohol are other very effective methods of preventing osteoporosis.
So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and start loving your bones…!