Increased sleep among teenagers has the potential to favorably impact multiple areas of adolescence health and wellbeing, as well as school success.
New Zealand authorities are discussing the need for later school start times that could help teenagers get more sleep and improve their health and wellbeing. Researchers pointed out that adolescents' natural sleep-wake biology shifts at puberty to favor later bedtimes, meaning they naturally need to wake later in the morning, and it does not change again until approximately age 21.
Sleep Patterns Among Teenagers
They argued that a later school start time, such as no earlier than 9.45 a.m. every day for senior secondary school students, is "an attractive, non-stigmatizing approach to address adolescent sleep issues".‘Many teens in New Zealand do not get enough sleep, exacerbated by school start times that force them to wake earlier than they are programmed to.’
However, the authors are acutely aware that later school start times for senior students would impact many people and organizations in many ways, and therefore they also need to hear the opinions of many key stakeholders as to what might help or hinder schools considering shifting to later starts. They are carrying out surveys for teens, parents, and teachers to find out their opinions on later starts.