
Color Light Therapy: A Breakthrough in Alternative Healing Practices

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Read on to discover how color therapy may prove to be a major breakthrough in alternative healing practices.

Color Light Therapy: A Breakthrough in Alternative Healing Practices
Chromotherapy, one of the newly developed branches of alternative medicine, seems to have gained an increasing acceptance as a form of treatment for various ailments ranging from minor depression and headaches to somewhat serious conditions such as blood sugar.
Practitioners of color therapy have now managed to shoo away all controversies and disrespect for this therapy by placing a very valid concept of healing - the effects of vibrations, both good and bad. As of now, there isn't enough evidence to label color therapy as 'pseudoscience'.

Almost all branches of complementary and alternative medicine rely on the simple fact of disease occurrence, and that is, disease occurs due to imbalance of chi (the vital life force energy that flows through a human body). A minor deficiency or abundance of chi in any area of the body is bound to cause harmful effects on the body, which if allowed to carry on for prolonged durations, may cause serious ailments.

Modern science has now accepted the existence of an electrical force of energy flowing through the body by means of several devices. This energy gets depleted due to various processes we carry out throughout the day, and that is exactly when we need food to restore the depleted energy and ensure that our bodies function normally.

Similarly, when a part of the human body is affected and loses its strength, it needs different foods and substances to maintain its optimum function. Colored light does just that! It sends out a particular vibration to the affected part, creating a harmonious balance and revitalizing it.

In their analysis of chromotherapy and its scientific evolution published in the journal Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Samina Yousuf Azeemi and Mohsin Raza, have explained it thus – ‘All organs and limbs of the body have their own distinct color. All organs, cells and atoms exist as energy, and each form has its frequency or vibrational energy. Each of our organs and energy centers vibrates and harmonizes with the frequencies of these colors. When various parts of the body deviate from these expected normal vibrations, one can assume that the body is either diseased or at least not functioning properly. The vibratory rates inherent in the vibrational technique (chromotherapy) are such that they balance the diseased energy pattern found in the body. For in every organ there is an energetic level at which the organ functions best. Any departure from that vibratory rate results in pathology, whereas restoring the appropriate energy levels to the physical organs results in a healed body.’

Any shift in Cicardian rhythm (biological clock) results in neurohormonal imbalance leading to psychiatric disorders such as sleep disorders, depression, SAD and PTSD. Studies have shown that these disorders occur when there is marked alteration in melatonin and serotonin levels. Croatian forensic psychiatrists in their paper published in the Collegium Antropologicum journal have suggested that chromotherapy can regulate neurohormonal balance in human brain by activating or inhibiting complex physiological, biological and biochemical processes in human brain such as synthesis of various neurohormones.

Different colors have different frequencies and respond differently when applied to body parts. Here’s a gist of how every color acts on your body, literally bringing about a physiological and/or psychological change, ultimately restoring health.

Color Function Associated System
Yellow Power, Ego Stomach, gall bladder, liver, pancreas
Blue Physical and Spiritual Communications Ears, mouth, hands, throat
Green Love, Responsibility Heart, lungs, thymus
Violet Transmission of Ideas and Information Pituitary gland, central nervous system and cerebral cortex
Red Grounding and Survival Gonads, kidneys, spine, sense of smell

Color therapy practitioners use these colors to bring about a change and to enhance the natural healing processes of the body. The color may be applied onto the body or a part of the body either by means of colored light, or colored water, or other tools that are usually used by the practitioners.

Colored gemstones are extremely beneficial in producing fast results, mostly because they are abundant in electromagnetic energy and remove toxic, unwanted ‘energies’ from the body. Sometimes, practitioners may also make use of candles, colored lamps, colored fabrics, crystal pyramids and wands, colored eye lenses, colored baths and lasers.

The fact that colors do affect us in many ways is evident by the simple phrases ‘feeling blue’ and ‘red hot’. Studies have shown that an individual’s heartbeat tends to increase when he’s in a red room and comes back to normal when he enters a blue-colored room.

Implementing color therapy in your life isn’t exactly rocket science. You just need a few simple tools and basic knowledge about your condition. The web is a good way to spend a few minutes researching about the condition you’re suffering from, and finding out the appropriate color that’s best for your condition.

For example, the color orange is best for people suffering from digestive ailments and those with weak immune systems. Red works wonders for increasing blood circulation and stimulating the body and mind. Consumption of yellow colored fruits and vegetables energizes the muscles and nerves and is also beneficial from those suffering from paralysis.

Make your own colored water: You can try your hand at color therapy in the comfort of your home itself. You’ll just require a couple of clean glass bottles, preferably transparent or in the color your desire, some colored cellophane papers, and pure clean water.

Fill the bottle up to two-thirds with the water and cork it nicely to ensure the contents don’t get contaminated. Wrap a cellophane paper of the desired color around the bottle nicely and place this bottle in the sunlight, preferably in the morning sun, for 6 to 8 hours. You can then use this water either for drinking, or for application to any external affected area.












