Elderly man from the UK got his dentures lodged in his throat because surgeons forgot to remove his dentures for his chest surgery.

‘Man forgot to tell his doctors that he wore dentures and underwent a chest surgery requiring intubation when his dentures got stuck in his throat. He thought that he had lost them mysteriously.’
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When the man continued to complain, a new set of doctors examined his throat and spotted something lodged in his larynx which was the missing set of dentures that the man had probably inhaled when he was intubated. Read More..

Doctors removed the dentures using forceps. Over the following six weeks, he went through a cycle of bleeding from his throat, hospitalization, discharge, and again bleeding. The bleeding was so severe that he required blood transfusions. Finally, doctors cauterized his wounds and repaired a torn artery; he finally began to recover. Six weeks later his blood counts were normal, and he was fit to go home without needing additional emergency care.
Doctors say that the presence of dental prosthetics should be documented, before, during, and after a procedure. Keeping the dentures in place is easier when anesthesia is given through a bag-mask but has to be removed before any intubation starts.
Harriet Cunniffe, an ear, nose and throat specialist at James Paget Hospital, says that this is not the only case where patients have swallowed their dentures during a procedure or while administering anesthesia. He was able to document 83 such cases of ‘aspirated dentures’ in a 15-year span in Britain.