A high level workshop that included international and Indian stakeholders from the field of organ transplantation met in Delhi.

The topics covered in the programme ranged from the role of the Government organizations, hospitals and NGO’s in establishment of the deceased donor programme in a hospital and the medico-legal aspects related to the Transplantation of Human Organs Act 1994 (THOA 1994) and its amendments. Specific stress was laid on practical training by conducting role plays on grief counseling, public education programmes, and documentation related to organ donation and transplantation.
The participating stakeholders at the workshop included The President from the International Transplantation Society, Transplantation Representative from WHO, Representative from Ministry of Health in India, Secretary of Indian Society of Nephrology and Indian Society of Transplantation, representatives of NGO called MOHAN Foundation, Senior Consultants in the field of Transplantation from various states and Transplant Co-ordinators from across the country. Participants equally represented both public and private hospitals. The experienced faculty included eminent doctors from established transplant hospitals of the country. The sharing of their experiences during the interactive sessions provided valuable insights to the delegates and provided reasons why the deceased donation programme was slow to take off in India.
Dr. Jagdish Prasad, Director General, DGHS inaugurated the workshop and gave the key note address. He congratulated the stakeholders and assured them of his full support in giving a boost to the deceased donation programme in the country. He particularly pointed out of the exemplary work being done by MOHAN Foundation in the field. He emphasized the need for public awareness and training the intensive care physicians across the country.
Dr. Francis Delmonico, President Elect, The Transplantation Society, who presided over the function said that transplant coordinators in India could become pioneers in creating an Asian Transplant Coordinators’ Organisation just like the one in Europe.
Dr Marti Manyalich President of Donation and Transplantation Institute, Barcelona. emphasized the need for propagation of the Deceased Donation Pathway and Brain Death audits in all ICU’s of hospitals registered as transplant or retrieval centers.
The three day workshop after deliberating on various aspects of deceased donation came out with consensus document of recommendations for the expansion of deceased donation. It was unanimously resolved that the solution to organ shortage and achievement of self-sufficiency in organ donation for all states in India is possible only through systematic strengthening of the deceased donor program.