A novel way of manipulating key assembly line enzymes in bacteria which could pave the way for a new generation of antibiotic treatments has been discovered by researchers.

‘Scientists have discovered a new route to produce complex antibiotics exploiting gene editing to re-programme pathways to future medicines urgently required to combat antimicrobial resistance, treat neglected diseases and prevent future pandemics.’

The problem of antimicrobial resistance 

The UK government suggest, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) infections are estimated to cause 700,000 deaths each year globally and are predicted to rise to 10 million, costing the global economy $100 trillion, by 2050. AMR also threatens many of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with an extra 28 million people that could be forced into extreme poverty by 2050 unless AMR is contained.
The Manchester team says the gene editing process could be used to produce improved antibiotics and possibly lead to the development of new treatments helping in the fight against drug-resistant pathogens and illnesses in the future. Jason Micklefield, Professor of Chemical Biology at the Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, UK, explains: “The emergence of antibiotic-resistant pathogens is one of the biggest threats we face today.”
“The gene editing approach we developed is a very efficient and rapid way to engineer complex assembly line enzymes that can produce new antibiotic structures with potentially improved properties.”
The potential of nonribosomal peptide antibiotics
Unfortunately, deadly pathogens are emerging which are resistant to all of these existing antibiotic drugs. One solution could be to create new antibiotics with improved properties that can evade the resistance mechanisms of the pathogens. However, the nonribosomal peptide antibiotics are very complex structures which are difficult and expensive to produce by normal chemical methods. To address this, the Manchester team use gene editing to engineer the NRPS enzymes, swapping domains that recognise different amino acid building, leading to new assembly lines that can deliver new peptide products.