The combination of natural and artificial components, and the need to make these components communicate with each other, are complex engineering challenges.

‘Unlike the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels -- which emit greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide) into the atmosphere -- the product of hydrogen combustion is clean water.’

The BPEC cell and plant membranes absorbs sunlight and convert it into a flow of electrons. In order to utilise photosynthesis for producing electric current, the researchers added an iron-based compound to the solution. 

This compound mediates the transfer of electrons from the biological membranes to the electrical circuit, enabling the creation of an electric current in the cell. The electrical current can also be channelled to form hydrogen gas through the addition of electric power from a small photovoltaic cell that absorbs the excess light.
This makes possible the conversion of solar energy into chemical energy that is stored as hydrogen gas formed inside the BPEC cell, suggested the study published in the journal Nature Communications.
This energy can be also converted into heat and electricity when necessary by burning the hydrogen, in the same way hydrocarbon fuels are used.
However, unlike the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels -- which emit greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide) into the atmosphere and pollute the environment -- the product of hydrogen combustion is clean water.
"The combination of natural (leaves) and artificial (photovoltaic cell and electronic components), and the need to make these components communicate with each other, are complex engineering challenges that required us to join forces," said Avner Rothschild, researcher at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, at Haifa, in Israel.