An antibody that can bind almost all the bacteria that can trigger blood poisoning has been developed by researchers.

It is therefore important to identify and develop a fast and effective therapy, if possible without the need to use antibiotics. An antibody for everything
‘A newly developed antibody can bind almost all the bacteria that can trigger blood poisoning. So if there is suspicion of sepsis, the magnetic treatment could be started, regardless of which pathogen is in the blood.’

Empa researcher Inge Herrmann and her team are developing a solution
in collaboration with modelling expert Marco Lattuada from the Adolphe
Merkle Institute and doctors from the Harvard Medical School. The idea
for the treatment is the magnetic purification of blood. The principle
is, at least in theory, quite straightforward. Iron particles are coated
with an antibody that detects and binds the harmful bacteria in the
blood. As soon as the iron particles are attached to the bacteria, they
are removed from the blood magnetically.

However, there is (still) a small catch: So far, it has only been possible to coat the iron particles with antibodies that recognise one type of bacteria - but many different types of bacteria may be involved, depending on the species causing the blood poisoning. Using blood analysis, doctors must therefore first determine which bacteria is causing the poisoning before the appropriate antibodies can be used. "This blood analysis is time-consuming and time plays a vital role in the treatment of blood poisoning," explains Herrmann. This is also the reason for magnetic dialysis rarely having been used to date.
But a team at the Harvard Medical School led by Gerald Pier has now developed an antibody that can bind almost all the bacteria that can trigger blood poisoning - so if there is a suspicion of sepsis, the magnetic treatment could be started immediately, regardless of which pathogen is in the blood. This "allrounder" antibody to succeed in isolating pathogenic bacteria - similar to using dialysis.
How harmful are the iron particles?
The method is not yet sufficiently mature to be used on patients. In a next step, Herrmann wants to carry out tests with various other germs and find out whether the Harvard antibody can actually bind additional bacteria to itself. The nature of the iron particles is also not to be underestimated. It may be the case that some particles remain in the blood after the magnetic extraction has been carried out.
Further experiments still to come
This idea is currently just a future ambition, as there are still numerous issues that need to be clarified. Firstly, it is imperative that this method is used in the initial stage of sepsis, when the damage has not yet spread from the blood to the organs or bodily functions, and there is also the issue of how well this treatment will work in unstable patients or patients with pre-existing conditions. But Herrmann and her team are optimistic - and also a step closer to achieving a new and more gentle treatment for sepsis.