'Protection Box' to protect physicians and nurses from COVID-19 has been developed by Aligarh Muslim University's two young faculty members belonging to the Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (JNMC) and the Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology)

‘Intubations to COVID-19 patients put health workers at greater risk of contracting coronavirus. The risk of infection can be reduced by AMU faculty's new protection box.’
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Shahna said that the box would provide ’one extra layer of protection’ to the medical personnel. It will reduce the health risks for those treating patients in respiratory distress while experiencing symptoms of coronavirus or those confirmed positive with COVID-19. Read More..

"Intubations put medical practitioners at greater risk of infection as virus particles become aerosolised when a tube is inserted into a patient’s trachea to keep the airway open. It is done before connecting to a ventilator", she added.
Shahna further said that these boxes are spacious with excellent visibility and are usable after being wiped down and disinfected.
She said, the health care workers wear the Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and follow infection control practices, but that does not reduce the risk of the virus transmission during mechanical ventilation and intubation processes.
"Since patients often cough up particles into the faces of health workers while being placed on ventilators, there was a need to design and develop these boxes to better shield doctors and nurses with an additional layer of protection", pointed out Shahna.