
Protective Role of Healthy Breast Adipocytes in Combating Breast Cancer

by Colleen Fleiss on Jul 16 2023 9:35 PM
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Breast cancer patients undergoing the transition from pre-malignant ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) to invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) face worse prognosis.

Protective Role of Healthy Breast Adipocytes in Combating Breast Cancer
Scientists have discovered a plausible reason behind the increased risk of breast cancer associated with higher breast density and older age (1 Trusted Source
IGFBP2 secretion by mammary adipocytes limits breast cancer invasion

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"Adipocytes generally get a bad rap for promoting cancer progression, but this study demonstrates that healthy breast fat can play a protective role in the maintenance of tissue homeostasis and cancer containment," explained Dr. Emilia Peuhu, a key collaborator in the study. “It's time to re-evaluate our assumptions and recognize the important role of these unsung heroes.”

The research team's work focuses on identifying factors that impede this invasive progression, with IGFBP2 emerging as a key factor secreted by healthy adipocytes.

In addition to the loss of adipocytes that occurs as women age, this study found that older women had reduced expression of IGFBP2, suggesting that the anti-cancer activities of breast adipocytes might also decrease with age.

IGFBP2: A Potential Link Between Age, Breast Density, and Breast Cancer Risk

InFLAMES group leader, Professor Johanna Ivaska, the principle investigator on the project, expressed their astonishment at the findings, highlighting that, "increasing age and higher breast density, with fewer adipocytes, are two well established risk factors for the development of breast cancer. Our research provides a possible explanation for this increased risk, as we found that IGFBP2 levels are also reduced in older individuals and that healthy breast adipocytes can secrete factors, such as IGFBP2, to inhibit tumour progression.”

The implications of this discovery extend to the understanding of mammary density and its connection with poorer prognosis. Dr. James Conway, the lead researcher of the team, added, "While restoring IGFBP2 into the mammary environment might not be possible, the use of antibody-based inhibitors of IGF-II could help to contain non-invasive breast lesions by acting in a similar fashion to IGFBP2 itself, which we have already observed in our model systems.”

The team is now exploring the therapeutic avenues that have opened up as a result of these recent findings.

  1. IGFBP2 secretion by mammary adipocytes limits breast cancer invasion - (











