The use of ultrasound to identify tumors during kidney cancer surgery is gaining acceptance.

"While our study showed comparable results from both methods of mapping and measuring kidney cancers, the robotic ultrasound probe enables the precision of a robotic instrument as well as direct surgeon control." The surgical procedure studied used in each case studied by the researchers was robotic partial nephrectomy, or RPN, in which only the diseased part of a cancerous kidney is removed by a surgeon-controlled robot instead of traditional open surgery in which the entire kidney is removed.They collected data from 75 consecutive RPN procedures using a laparoscopic ultrasound probe and 75 consecutive RPNs using a robotic ultrasound probe."Both groups had similar tumor characteristics, operating times and other factors, and their outcomes were similar," Dr. Rogers says.
"There was no statistically significant difference in measured variables between groups when controlling for tumor size and complexity." So the robotically controlled ultrasound probe performed on-par with traditional ultrasound, but with the added benefit of direct surgeon control and precision. All patients in both study groups were found to be cancer-free during follow up examinations at a mean of 25.7 months for the laparoscopic group and 10.2 months for the robotic group. "We helped pioneer both the development and utilization of this robotic ultrasound probe right here at Henry Ford Hospital" says Dr. Rogers. "This is another advance in technology to help us with minimally invasive cancer surgery."