
Study Reveals How Damaged Cells Inhibit Muscle Regeneration Over Lifetime

by Colleen Fleiss on Dec 26 2022 9:15 PM
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Focusing on muscle tissue in mice, the researchers first observed that senescent cells appear in muscles when they get damaged or with age.

Study Reveals How Damaged Cells Inhibit Muscle Regeneration Over Lifetime
The key interactions between senescent and stem cells have been explored by researchers. The new finding opens potential avenues towards improving muscle repair throughout life.


What is Senescence

Humans have a limited capacity for self-regeneration of tissues and organs but they do keep a pool of stem cells throughout their life that can self-renew and differentiate into specific cell types. These stem cells are widely studied as they could enable the repair of human tissues and thus have great potential for medicine. On the other hand, all human cells can enter a state called senescence: they stop multiplying but don’t die, lingering within the tissue. As these senescent cells accumulate throughout the body, they can impact nearby healthy cells.

Stem Cells, Senescence and Tissue Renewal

In the human body, stem cells reside in what scientists call a niche, an area of a tissue that provides a specific microenvironment. Within that niche, other cells interact with the stem cells and can activate them, promoting tissue regeneration. This process requires a coordinated communication between different type of cells but the mechanisms involved are not well understood.
As regenerative functions decline during ageing, while senescent cells accumulate, a group of researchers from Spain, China, Japan, USA and Luxembourg decided to explore the role of senescence in tissue regeneration. “Our objective was to study senescent cells in vivo, to understand how they emerge and how they affect the repair process of tissues throughout life,” explains Prof. Antonio Del Sol, head of the Computational Biology group at the LCSB. “For this purpose, we used a combination of experimental work with mice, conducted by colleagues at Pompeu Fabra University and at the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, and of computational methods developed by my teams at the LCSB and the CIC bioGUNE-BRTA.”

Injury and Age are Detrimental to Muscle Regeneration

Their results show that both injury and ageing induce the accumulation of high levels of oxidative stress and DNA damage in a subset of cells, driving these cells towards senescence.

The experiments conducted in the lab also demonstrated that the group of cells that become senescent are part of the regenerative niche surrounding stem cells. The presence of these senescent cells in the niche in turn represses muscle regeneration at all stages of life. To further illustrate the impact of senescent cells, the scientists could accelerate regeneration in young mice and rejuvenate muscles of old mice by removing senescent cells from the tissue.

“Now that we knew why senescent cells emerge and that they have such a direct effect on tissue repair, we wanted to better understand what senescence is exactly and which mechanisms are involved,” points Prof. Pura Muñoz-Cánoves, corresponding author of the article, ICREA Professor at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona and a Principal Investigator at the Altos Labs San Diego Institute of Sciences.

An Atlas of Senescent Cells Highlighting Common Hallmarks

The researchers generated the first atlas of senescent cells in vivo, unravelling three major senescent cell populations in regenerating muscle. On top of identifying these different types of senescent cells, present in both mice and humans, the team also searched for common traits across these cells. Their analyses showed that senescent cells are molecularly diverse but share two major hallmarks.

“When they become senescent, cells still conserve part of their identity. Some of their traits correspond to their initial cell type. This cell-of-origin memory explains why senescent cells appear so heterogeneous,” details Prof. Del Sol. “However, when looking more closely, we found two universal senescence markers: inflammation and fibrosis.”

By investigating, through computational methods, which global functions are upregulated across all senescent cells present in muscles, the researchers uncovered these two core hallmarks, providing the first molecular and functional definition of senescent cells in vivo.

Neutralizing Senescent Cells to Promote Regeneration

The identification of these common characteristics was key to understand by which mechanisms senescent cells impair tissue regeneration. The scientists showed that senescent cells present in the regenerative niche act through the secretion of pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic factors. The molecules they produce affect the stem cells nearby, inhibiting their proliferation and impairing regeneration.

“After an injury, some muscles cells turn senescent and create an aged-like microenvironment. Their secretions mirror the inflammation associated with ageing, even in young, injured mice. We call it inflammation,” explains Antonio Del Sol. “This is the mechanism by which they diminish stem cell function and arrest tissue repair.”

Further computational analyses identified lipid-transport gene CD36 as a possible way to regulate the impact of senescent cells. By targeting this specific gene, the researchers could improve muscle regeneration in both young and old mice while reducing inflammation and fibrosis. “Future studies are now needed to confirm CD36 as a new senomorphic target in vivo,” indicates Prof. Muñoz-Cánoves.












