
Teen Smoking Linked to Decreased Grey Matter in Brain

by Colleen Fleiss on Aug 16 2023 11:42 PM
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In teenagers, reduced volume of gray matter in the brain could serve as an "inheritable biomarker" for nicotine addiction.

Teen Smoking Linked to Decreased Grey Matter in Brain
The volume of gray matter in specific brain regions could be connected to the inclination to initiate smoking during adolescence and the reinforcement of nicotine addiction (1 Trusted Source
Association between vmPFC gray matter volume and smoking initiation in adolescents

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A team of scientists, led by the universities of Cambridge and Warwick in the UK and Fudan University in China, analysed brain imaging and behavioral data of over 800 young people at the ages of 14, 19 and 23.

In addition, the scientists found that the opposite, right part of the same brain region also had less grey matter in smokers.

Grey Matter Decline in Right Prefrontal Cortex Accelerates Post-Smoking Initiation

Importantly, loss of grey matter in the right prefrontal cortex appears to speed up only after someone has started smoking. This region is linked to the seeking of sensations, according to the study that appeared in Nature Communications.

The team argued that less grey matter in the left forebrain could lower cognitive function and lead to “disinhibition” -- impulsive, rule-breaking behavior arising from a limited ability to consider consequences. This may increase the chances of smoking at a young age.

“The initiation of a smoking habit is most likely to occur during adolescence. Any way of detecting an increased chance of this, so we can target interventions, could help save millions of lives,” said Professor Trevor Robbins, co-senior author from Cambridge’s Department of Psychology.

Annual deaths from cigarettes are expected to reach eight million worldwide by the end of the decade.

“In our study, reduced grey matter in the left prefrontal cortex is associated with increased rule-breaking behavior as well as early smoking experiences. It could be that this rule-breaking leads to the violation of anti-smoking norms,” said Robbins.

Professor Barbara Sahakian from Cambridge’s Department of Psychiatry said: “The ventromedial prefrontal cortex is a key region for dopamine, the brain’s pleasure chemical. As well as a role in rewarding experiences, dopamine has long been believed to affect self-control".

“Less grey matter across this brain region may limit cognitive function, leading to lower self-control and a propensity for risky behavior, such as smoking.”

The scientists also looked at the right ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Grey matter loss occurs in everyone as they age. However, those who smoked from age 14 as well as those smoking from age 19 both ended up with excessive grey matter loss in the right frontal lobe.

Data at age 23 showed that grey matter volume in the right prefrontal cortex shrank at a faster pace in those who continued to smoke, suggesting an influence of smoking itself on prefrontal function, the findings showed.

  1. Association between vmPFC gray matter volume and smoking initiation in adolescents - (











