Play this Holi with a splash of safety, here's the home manual for herbal color making.

Yellow - Take two spoons of turmeric powder with double the quantity of besan and mix. Flowers like amaltas, marigold, black babul can be crushed and mixed with water to get a yellow coloured paste.
Red - Use red sandalwood powder and add crushed hibiscus flowers to it.
Blue - Dried jacaranda flowers can be crushed and mixed with water or flour.
Saffron - Tesu of palash flowers soaked in water overnight. For better results, flowers can be boiled in water to get a yellowish-orange colour.
Magenta - Slice or grate one beetroot and soak in a litre of water. Boil or leave overnight for a deeper shade. Boil the peels of pink onions in half a litre of water for an orange-pink shade.
Black - Boil dried fruits of amla in a vessel and leave overnight. Dilute with water and use.