Young men who use drugs like Viagra and Cialis just for fun are more at risk of developing a psychological dependence on them, making erections without medication difficult.

For his study, Harte looked at data of more than 1,200 men whose average age was around 22.
In the study, 72 were recreational users, reporting no diagnosis of ED from a doctor, while 1,111 didn't use ED drugs.
Twenty-four were prescribed the drugs by their doctors for medical conditions.
Men responded to an online survey about their erectile function, orgasms, sexual desire, and whether or not they used ED drugs and how often.
They also reported their levels of confidence in their ability to get and maintain an erection.
Compared to men who didn't use drugs, recreational users reported lower erectile confidence and overall satisfaction with their erections.
Harte also noted that the decreased confidence was linked negatively with erectile functioning.
While the findings don't explain the connection, Harte suggested that using recreational ED medications may give users "unreasonable standards or expectations about their erectile performance."
The study is published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine.